SDS HOWTOwritten by Karl Trygve Kalleberg
0. PreambleIf you're new to SDS and think you can skip to 'Installation' and live happy as a clam ever after, you're sadly mistaken. SDS is complex. Difficult. Beastly. Horrendous. Or somewhere in between. If that didn't scare you off, you probably have what it takes not only to see the installation through, but learning how to (ab)use SDS in your daily affairs. You will have to read this entire HOWTO, though, that's all I'm trying to say. 1. Introduction1.1 What is SDS ?As the project web page at http://sds.yi.org says: "The Software Development Foundation (SDS) is an open architecture designed for developing tools for software development. Based on XML, the SDS makes it easy for most languages and other systems to incorporate its tools. One of the most important principles of SDS is to make development tools easily available for new languages and is therefore an important tool for people interested in making new languages. The core of SDS is the Code Structure Format (CSF) which collects most interesting information about source code which can be easily utilised by tools. Included is also a documentation application SDOC which allows CSF-files to be streamlined for documentation." What this means is that SDS is a framework for language tools which do
Included in the standard distribution are tools for:
A CSF database should best be thought of as an object file, from C/C++ terminology. Once the above core tools have stabilised, we envision a few new tools and fixes:
1.2 Who should use SDS ?In an ideal world, the answer is: "everybody who wants to". But in this world, the target user group is limited to experienced programmers. Installing and using SDS can be a difficult process, one which we are working on improving, but not at the cost of functionality. In particular, the target audience for the current incarnations of SDS is developers who wish to contribute with suggestions, bugs-fixes, documentation, ideas and of course code. 2. OverviewWhat we refer to as 'SDS' in this documentation is actually just a collection of command line tools. If you treat SDS as a large-scale compiler, the front-end would consist of:
The CSF files should be though of as ASTs (Abstract Syntax Trees). They can be linked, pruned, rewritten. This is the job of the CSF linker, imaginatively called csf2csf. Once you have a CSF file, you can send it to the back-end, which is currently represented only by:
As time goes by, we expect to have
It is important to know that SDS isn't an 'all-in-one' package that has no hope of accomodating change and growth. The entire idea behind SDS was to allow it to be extended fairly easily, using any language. As proof of concept, different parts of the system has been written in different languages. Each front-end is currently written in its respective language. If you find any part of the system slow or unfit, you should be able to easily drop in a replacement. Say you dislike the current Java front-end, there should be little work involved to replace it, if you have another Java front-end handy. 3. InstallationHere there be dragons. Beware! Installing SDS in its fullest of blooms can be a headache. We acknowledge that fact. You have been warned. 3.1 Necessary toolsFirst off, you will need the following:
The installation script will of course look to see that everything is Jim Dandy. 3.2 Compiling the beastAfter untarring to a suitable place with some free space (compiled source tree takes around 40MB), you should decide what to include in your compilation and where to put it.
Once you have composed your configure line, run it. Then run make install. If things go awry, send us a bug report. 4. UsageIs ill-advised. A simple test-case is however provided here. I assume that you have installed SDS in /FOO/ and all paths in the example will reflect that. It is also assumed you wish to use the server and have installed a proper $HOME/.sds/prefs.xml file based on e.g tests/glob-prefs.xml in the dist. Have two xterm-windows ready, one for the server and one for all other work. In the server-xterm you start the SDS-server. /FOO/bin/start-sds-server.sh In the src/clisp/examples/ directory there is a file generate-doc.sh which shows how I generate docs for SDS. The accompanying file sds-prefs.xml might be useful as well. Any use of this generator will be noisy at this stage though. Use the file as a template and tailour it to your needs. 5. Bug reportsIf you find any show-stoppers or have anything else regarding SDS you want to complain about, you can send your gripe to Stig E. Sandø or Karl Trygve Kalleberg If you want to help out, you can join the sds-devel mailing list. Bugs in this documentation should be sent to Karl Trygve Kalleberg |