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CSF Specification

Written by Stig E Sandø

Status of this document

This document is the current gospel. Please use and refer to it, preferrably with version number. Parts likely to be slightly updated will be marked as such.

The current version is      v2.10
Date last updated:      February 28th 100
Feb 27, 100 Updated a lot:
packages - revamped
methods - extended with content, etc
Feb 27, 100 Updated info-fields:
method - added function and method as valid mod
method - added arginfo field
method - added parent field
Feb 25, 100 Updated info-fields:
arg - argtype
meth - generic
package - more specific on nicknames
var - defparameter option, removed special
Jan 10, 100 Wrote the spec, naming it v2.01


The Software Development Foundation (SDS) is an open architecture designed for developing tools for software development. Based on XML, the SDS makes it easy for most languages and other systems to incorporate it's tools. The core of SDS is the Code Structure Format (CSF) which collects most interesting information about source code which can be easily utilised by tools.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Thoughts
  3. The CSF Structure
    1. The Toplevel
    2. Method
    3. Class
    4. Package
    5. Variable
    6. Enum
    7. Typespec
    8. Comment
    9. Directive
    10. Inherit
    11. Arg and Retval
    12. Location
    13. Access
  1. Id examples
  2. The CSF DTD

1. Introduction

Some of the idea behind CSF v1 was to capture a large subset of the information available about code in various forms. CSF v1 disn't capture enough information and parts of CSF was confusing. This specification presents one way to look at code and hopefully it will capture a large enough subset without ruining readability and uability. When referring to CSF from this point I mean CSF v2, any references to the old CSF will be to CSF v1.

The description of CSF will first include some thoughts about language features and should be read. Then a description of the most important elements follows. Please check the DTD-documentation and the DTD when this specification is unclear. All values for info-fields are suggestions in this document and might be different from the values you should use when implementing. Please check the collected list for values and their meaning when implementing CSF support.

2. Thoughts

Most popular languages share certain features, but some have their own specialties which can be good or bad. The shared features are basically what CSF should capture, but should also leave room for specialties; e.g multimethods are a central part of CLOS and to be able to get useful information about CLOS we need multi-method support.


Ironically in the CLOS-case with multimethods, which can be seen as a special case, is in fact a much cleaner and general solution than the classic message-passing paradigm of Smalltalk, C++, Java, etc. Message-passing works decently in Smalltalk and to a certain extent in Java, but in C++ it works in the Java/Smalltalk cases, but is clearly broken when it comes to operator overloading and templates. In most ways the CLOS approach is the best way to proceed on methods and classes as it is a superset of the functionality in other languages. This will however change how some functions are represented, ie a C++ function DRAW in class SHAPE will now look like DRAW(SHAPE *) instead of the C++ syntax SHAPE.DRAW(). Serious developers know that the dispatch is done on the first argument which is the this-pointer which is of type "SHAPE *".


However, CLOS doesn't have the classic module-concept, but has packages which is more orthogonal to the Lisp-reader. Java has a module-concept (ironically called packages) which is quite useful and orthogonal to the language, but lacks some features. C++ has something called namespaces which aren't modules but may resemble a poor version of Common Lisp packages (which basically are "spaces" for "names"). C++ inherited several concepts from C which can be thought of as modules (separate headerfiles, libraries, prefix-hacks) but is far from having a module-concept. Python has modules which seems to work as modules and it's a redeeming feature of a language composed of special cases. Modules are a good thing and most people I know design and think of code as being in modules and code being modular. CSF must in some way capture modular information but should leave actual modules to other formats, e.g SDOC because of the big differences. Possibly barring some Python features, going for a "namespace" solution will capture most of the information.


Some languages are file-oriented, while others are not. C and C++ are clearly file-oriented, Java is in many ways directory/package-oriented while CLOS is really difficult to place. Python is also file-oriented, but can be seen from different perspectives due to it's module-concept. Assuming that code that is parsed for CSF come from actually files, continuing to build on a LOCATION tag with FILE info seems decent enough. Room must also be given to allow "static" initialiser in C/C++ giving the method or variable a file-scope.


As said, multimethods is the right way to go for representing methods, but representation of methods (or functions or procedures) in code behave very differently in various languages. Some languages insist on the method being called must be known in advance thereby requiring declarations. Declarations in themselves are interesting as they provide much information, and because their location may be of interest (e.g "Where did I declare that method? Where must I change my code?"). Declarations must also be possible to combine with the definition.

Method names

As for method-names, C doesn't dispatch on arguments but only the name and therefore only one method/function may be registered on a name. The other mentioned languages don't have this restriction, and by accepting multi-methods we cannot compare functions on name only and need to compare types when trying to find matches. This increases complexity and requires some form of making a scheme to calculate id's of various objects. Adding to it that not all languages are case-sensitive makes things even more difficult.

Method arguments

Methods in some languages have support for optional arguments, arguments with default values, "rest" arguments and keyword parameters, and this is something CSF will support.

Short summary..

This basically means that no language fit 100% into CSF, but the most common languages should easily have support for 80% of their constructs. For some languages, CSF will be an upgrade (e.g multi-method representation) while others might miss their advanced features.

3. The CSF-structure

CSF is a XML-based data format and therefore follows the XML standard, implicating that a CSF data-file is required to follow the XML standard as well. It is preferred that generated CSF files are in UTF-8 format. The actual format of each element can be found in the DTD (Appendix B) and in the DTD documentation


Most major elements of the CSF dataformat are identifiable with an ID attribute. This has type CDATA (not type ID) and has a specified format in BNF (E is the empty string):

SEP       -> '@' 


TYPE      -> "method" | "class" | "enum" | "typespec" |
             "package" | "variable"

NAME      -> "the name of the object"

FULLNAME  -> E | "the fully qualified name of the object"

PARAMTYPE -> "name of parameter type"

LOC       -> '[' "filename" LINEINFO ']'


STARTLINE -> E | number
ENDLINE   -> E | number
STARTCOL  -> E | number
ENDCOL    -> E | number

The primary way that should be used by CSF tools is TYPE and LOCATIONS. If TYPE fails, one should check for FULLNAME or if that fails, NAME. If any ambiguities are present, PARAMS is used.

FULLNAME and PARAMS are language-dependent and may be skipped by any tool. The language is specified in the CSF-tag.

Some examples of use of Id is found in appendix A


Most of the major tags have an INFO-field to contain most of the information for that element. Each of the major elements have different meanings in the various fields and documentation should be checked for each of them. The form of info is simple:

<info type="infotype" value="the_value" info="extra_info"/>

Please not that the info-field is made this way to be able to be able to handle changes to elements in CSF, in a graceful way. This document will be updated with new known values when they are introduced. A changelog and version-system will be used to make this simple to keep track of. Only those info-fields of interest for the tools should be used, the rest should be ignored. Several info-fields with the same name is usually allowed. Expect a notice when there should only be one occurence of a specified type.

3.1 The Toplevel

The toplevel of a CSF-document is the CSF-tag, which has a language tag, specifying the language of the content in the file.

<CSF language="language name">

The three small dots contain the actual content which can be

3.2 Method

Methods are probably the most used abstraction mechanism and needs careful design. Methods also come in many forms and shapes and might also have different semantics in different languages. Most of the work needed for front-ends and tools will be related to methods, so we should do this tag right and make it as convenient as possible.

The basic method looks like this:

<method id=some_id name=some_name>
   <where     ...> + 
   <access    ...>
   <info      ...> *
   <retval    ...> *
   <arg       ...> *
   ... (the content of the method)

Needless to say, much of the complexity is hidden in the subfields. Please not that for various reasons the id-field is mere CDATA. The content can be new methods, variables, directives, etc.

The WHERE-field is a wrapped LOCATION-field where we add some info about the declaration. It might be expanded. It currently has this form:
<where type=declaration|definition|unknown>
   <location ...>


Several INFO with the same type are allowed. Some known values with meaning:

packagename of package Names the package it is member of (can also be an id), where applicable. Helpful for tools with limited info.
classname of class Names the owning class, ie the class where the method is. If the method is in a package-scope, use the package field instead. This field eases work when sorting elements later and making pointers to "parent". Using an id is also allowed.
dispatchnone Specifies how dispatch is done for the function. The default is that this is not specified but this can be done when one feels like it.
 single This is the default in Java and is the same as virtual functions in C++. The dispatch is done on the "owning" object.
 multi This is the default for CLOS generic functions. The dispatch is done on the type of all passed arguments.
languagename of language Specifies which language the function is in. This is useful for languages where one can have functions from several other languages. This is mainly a feature for documentation.
modmember The mod field specifies what kind of function we're dealing with. Specifying this as 'member' tells us that it is a member-function and "belongs to" a class.
 friend  Specifying mod as 'friend' tells us that this function is friend to some class. (C++ specific)
 static  Specifying mod as 'static' tells us that this function is a class-function (ie static). (C++/Java)
 abstract  Specifying mod as 'abstract' tells us that this function has to be implemented in a subclass. This is the same as a pure virtual function in C++. When type is abstract, virtuality is implied.
 constructor  Specifying mod as 'constructor' tells us that this function constructs/creates an object.
 destructor  Specifying mod as 'destructor' tells us that this function is called when an object is deleted/wiped. (C++)
 operator  Specifying mod as 'operator' tells us that this function is really an operator (which means overloading in C++)
 virtual  Specifying mod as 'virtual' tells us that this function is a polymorphic function with single dispatch. It's default in Java but you must specify it for C++.
 native  Specifying mod as 'native' tells us that this function is a native function and is not part of the interpreted system. (Java)
 function  Specifying mod as 'function' tells us that this is a normal function. This is redundant but may be added.
 method  Specifying mod as 'method' tells us that this is a method with dispatch (single or multi) and is redundant when specifying dispatch. But a CSF-frontend might want to add this when it sees fit.
 generic  Specifying mod as 'generic' tells us that this is sortof a declaration for later methods and is not specialised or contain any implementation. (CLOS)
 explicit  Specifying mod as 'explicit' tells us that this function must be explicitly called and should not be used by auto-converters. (C++)
 final  Specifying mod as 'final' tells us that this function cannot be reimplemented in a subclass. (Java)
 const  Specifying mod as 'const' tells us that this function is not allowed to change the object it belongs to and/or allowed to call non-const member-functions. (C++)
 macro  Specifying mod as 'macro' tells us that this is a powerful macro (e.g as in CL) and might not follow normal evaluation of arguments.
 accessor  Specifying mod as 'accessor' tells us that this is a function wrapper for an object,and might provide e.g a reader and a writer.
 reader  Specifying mod as 'reader' tells us that this is a function wrapper which reads the value of an object. a typical getXXX() function is a reader.
 writer  Specifying mod as 'writer' tells us that this is a function wrapper which assignes a value to an object. a typical setXXX() function is a writer.
optiminline The optim-type field specifies what kindof optimisations are applied to the function. Specifying this as 'inline' tells us that it is meant to be inlined.
 memoized  Specifying the optim field as 'memoized' tells us that this function's results are memoised.
callsfunction calledcomma-separated argumentsThe calls names a function (may be an id) that is called.
calledbyfunction called bycomma-separated argumentsThe calledby field names a function (may be an id) that calls it.
callingconvention Specifies the calling convention/mangling used for the function. Common conventions are pascal, c, fortran or c++.
throwexception  The throw field names an exception (may be an id) that the function may throw.
advisebefore  Says that this is function is a before-method for the real-method. (CLOS)
 after  Says that this is function is a after-method for the real-method. (CLOS)
 around  Says that this is function is an around-method for the real-method. (CLOS)
parentthe id  Names the "parent" method of this method. This means the method a step up in the (inheritance) hierarchy (or if difficult to compute, the unspecialised one), and if none is above, possible the generic. (any)
arginfoallow-any-keyword  Specifies that the method eats all keywords given. (CLOS allow-any-keys, ??)
metaclassmetaclass-spec  Specifies the metaclass of the method. Can be an id or a name. (CLOS)
documentationtext  Documentation which is part of the language, e.g like the first string in a method in CL is documentation. Should not be used for comments in languages like C++/Java.
patternnameexplanation Specifies which pattern this function is or is part of. Examples are higher-order, function-builder, .. The explanation of the pattern should be in the info-field.

3.3 Class

Classes are an important abstraction mechanism and in most respects replaces older constructs like structs, records, and to a certain degree unions. Classes in CSF do not differ a lot from classes in Java, C++ or CLOS, but also serves as placeholder for info about a struct, union, etc. The form is relatively easy to understand:

<class id=class_id name=name_of_class>
   <location  ...>
   <access    ...>
   <inherit   ...> *
   <info ...> *
   ... (the content of the class)

The content of the class can be asically be just about any content (class, method, enum, variable, typespec, comment or directive). The DTD allows packages as well, but this is at best uncommon in actual code. INFO

The INFO-field is serving the same role for CLASS as INFO is for METHOD. Several INFO with the same type are allowed. Some known values with meaning:

modnormal Specifies what kind of class we deal with. normal is an ordinary class.
 struct Specifies that the "class" is a struct (C/C++).
 union Specifies that the "class" is a union (C/C++).
 interface Specifies that the "class" is an interface (Java).
 final Specifies that the "class" is 'final', ie can not be inherited (Java).
 abstract Specifies that the "class" is 'abstract', ie can not be instantiated (Java++).
 template Specifies that the "class" is a template/parametrised class (C++/Pizza/++).
friendname of class Specifies a friend class of a class. Using an id is allowed. Several friends may be specified. (C++)
paramfull text of param Specifies a parameter to the (template) class. Several parameters may be specified. (C++)
metaclassmetaclass-spec  Specifies the metaclss of the class. Can be an id or a name. (CLOS/Smalltalk)
documentationtext  Documentation which is part of the language, e.g like the first string in a method in CL is documentation. Should not be used for comments in languages like C++/Java.
patternnameexplanation Specifies which pattern this function is or is part of. Examples are singleton, iterator, .. The explanation of the pattern should be in the info-field.

3.4 Package

Packages (or modules or namespaces) are wildly different in various languages but a simple subset may be represented as:

<package id=pack_id name=pack_name>
   <location ...> ?  (where declared if declared)
   <info  ...> *
   ... (the content of the package)

Several INFO with the same type are allowed. Some known values with meaning:

nicknamethe nickname Nicknames for packages seem common enough (can be used several times)
usename or id of package Can be used several times to name which packages are used/inherited
exportname or id of object Can be used several times to name individual objects that are exported
importname or id of object Name an individual object or name that is imported. The info-field will contain which module stuff is imported from
shadow-importname or id of object Name an individual object or name that is shadow-imported (CL). The info-field will contain which module stuff is imported from
documentationtext The documentation which are part of a declaration, ie as in a CLOS defpackage.

3.5 Variable

Variables tend to be useful and there are few languages without them. They might have specified static types, or the value they point to might have type, or they might be typeless. Variables differ a lot between languages and they get some of the same treatment as methods and classes.

<variable id=var_id name=variable_name>
   <location  ...>
   <access    ...>
   <info      ...> *

Several INFO with the same type are allowed. Some known values with meaning:

typesome-valueextraSpecifies the type of the variable. If it is a linkable type, specify a legal id. The info-field should be "array" if it is an array field and then the dimension field should be used.
dimensiondim string The dimension string is on the form [n]* where n is the size of that particular array or 0 when it isn't specified. A C++ array int foo[4][5] would be [4][5] while a triple-dimension array in Java would be [0][0][0].
modstatic Specifies that the variable is a static member of a class.
 auto Specifies that the variable is automatically allocated on the stack (C/C++).
 volatile Specifies that the variable is supposed to be a real variable and not to be optimised away or tucked away in a register (C/C++).
 register Specifies that the variable is allowed to be tucked away in a register (C/C++).
 extern Specifies that the variable is external and is specified somewhere else (C/C++).
 mutable Specifies that the variable is mutable, and may be altered even by const-functions and in constant classes (C++).
 defparameter Specifies that the variable is a DEFPARAMETER and is reset every time the file is loaded (CL).
 dynamic Specifies that the variable should be bound dynamically (CL).
 lexical Specifies that the variable should be bound lexically (CL).
classname of class Names the class it is member of (can also be an id), where applicable. Helpful for tools with limited info.
packagename of package Names the package it is member of (can also be an id), where applicable. Helpful for tools with limited info.
documentationtextThe documentation which is part of a variable-declaration as in CL's DEFVAR or DEFCONSTANT
patternnameIf the variable is part of a specific pattern, that could be added here, e.g hook. Explanation might be in the extra info-field.

3.6 Enum

Enumerations seem to be C/C++ specific, though I think Pascal had something along the same line. The ENUM element is pretty simple

<enum id=var_id name=enum_name>
   <location  ...>
   <access    ...>
   <enumval   ...> *

Where ENUMVAL has the obvious form:

<enumval name=enumval_name value=the_value/>

3.7 Typespec

Type-aliases and type-specifiers take on many forms in various languages and the C/C++ typedef is the most famous. Several other constructs exist in other languages that we also want to cover, e.g DEFTYPE in CL.

<typespec id=type_id name=type_name>
   <location ...>
   <access   ...>
   <info     ...> *
valuesome-valueidSpecifies a value we're typespec for. The info-field can contain an id which can be used to make the value "clickable".
classname of class Names the class it is member of (can also be an id), where applicable. Helpful for tools with limited info.
packagename of package Names the package it is member of (can also be an id), where applicable. Helpful for tools with limited info.

3.8 Comment

Comments are kept separately because they usually are not part of ASTs and often do not contain info directly related to code. They do however often have important info, as in Javadoc comments and should be saved for processing by other formats. The format is really simple and allows reconstruction of what language-element the comment belonged to.

   <location ...>
   <text>the comment</text>

3.9 Directive

Directives take many forms and shapes in the various languages. To support all is insane, but some can be supported and can be useful, e.g #include can be useful for include-trees or #define to find specific macros. How these directives are treated is up to the individual app, and they can easily be ignored.

<directive type=dir_type value=dir_value info=extra_info/>

The problem is that this is not directly intuitive and language-dependent. Some examples are included:

#define NULL 0L
   <directive type="define" value="NULL" info="0L"/>
#define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) 
   <directive type="define" value="MAX(a,b)" info="(((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))"/>
#include <stdio.h>
   <directive type="include" value="<stdio.h>"/>
#pragma align 1
   <directive type="pragma" value="align" info="1"/>

A better solution would be nice.

3.10 Inherit

The INHERIT-field contains info about what a class inherits. It's a relatively simple field:

<inherit name=name_of_class>
   <info ...>*

Several INFO with the same type are allowed. Some known values with meaning:

howinherit-method Specifies how things are inherited. This can be public, private and protected for C++ or interface for Java. When how is not included we assume normal inheritance.
modifierspecial If there are any modifications to the inheriting, like in Eiffel or simply an attached 'virtual' as in C++ use this field.

3.11 Arg and Retval

These two fields have the same structure for simplicity, though a return value usually does not have a specified name. The form is simple:

   <info ...> *

Needless to say, the INFO field is vital here, and several INFO with the same type are allowed. Some known values with meaning:

typesome-value Specifies the type of the arg/retval. If it is a linkable type, specify a legal id.
namethe name Specifies the name of the argument in the function scope.
defvaluesome-value Specifies the default value of the argument if it is optional. (CL/C++)
passedbyvalue Specifies that the argument or return value is passed by value.
 reference Specifies that the argument or return value is passed as a reference/locative.
 pointer Specifies that the argument or return value is passed as a pointer. (special meaning in c/c++)
argtypekeyword Specifies that the argument is a keyword-argument and the name of it and the default value. (CL/Python)
 optional Specifies that the argument is optional. (CL/Python)

3.12 Location

The location element is central to most major CSF elements and specifies the position of an object described by the CSF element. It is very lenient, and have the following structure where some attributes may be used:

<location file=filename startline=num startcol=num endline=num endcol=num position=num/>

3.13 Access

The access element is also used in several CSF elements to describe which access the described object has in its context. Its form is simple:

<access visibility=the_visibility scope=the_scope/>

[Add details later, see dtd-documentation ever so long]

3.14 Other elements

Other elements mentioned but not defined include LOCATION and ACCESS. Those remain the same as their CSF1 versions.

Appendix A - Id examples

C++ - file.c

1 class A {
3   void foo(const char *, A *a);  
5 };
7 void
8 A::foo(const char*, A *a) { }

A has id: @class@A@A@@[file.c:1,5,,]@
foo declaration has id: @method@foo@A::foo@const char*,A*@[file.c,3,3,,]@
foo def has id: @method@foo@A::foo@const char*,A*@[file.c,8,8,,]@
combined foo has id: @method@foo@A::foo@const char*,A*@[file.c,3,3,,][file.c,8,8,,]@

Java -

1 package foo;
3 class A {
5   void bar(String, A a) { }
7 }

foo has id: @package@foo@foo@@[,1,1,,]@
A has id: @class@A@foo.A@@[,3,7,,]@
bar has id:,A@[,5,5,,]@

Appendix B - The CSF DTD

      DTD for proposed Code Structure Format (CSF 2)
      November 99
<!ENTITY % text " #PCDATA ">

<!-- add preproc? -->
<!-- these may occur anywhere in a csf-document -->
<!ENTITY % freeforall " package | class | method | enum | variable | typespec | comment | directive ">

<!-- the element -->
<!ELEMENT csf ((%freeforall;)*)>
       language CDATA ""

<!-- describes a location -->
<!ELEMENT location EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST location
       file CDATA ""
       startline CDATA "-1"
       startcol CDATA "-1"
       endline CDATA "-1"
       endcol CDATA "-1"

<!ELEMENT info EMPTY>       
<!ATTLIST info
     type CDATA #IMPLIED
     value CDATA #IMPLIED
     info CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- describes some namespace/package, needs more work -->              
<!ELEMENT package (location?,info*,(%freeforall;)*) >
<!ATTLIST package
     name CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- The class abstraction -->
<!ELEMENT class (location,access,inherit*,info*,(%freeforall;)*) >
<!ATTLIST class
     name CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- function/method -->
<!-- itsdecl should be changed.. may be more than one decl -->       
<!ELEMENT method (where+,access,info*,retval*,arg*) >
<!ATTLIST method
    name CDATA ""

<!ELEMENT where (location)>
<!ATTLIST where
    what (declaration|definition|unknown) "unknown"

<!-- see other docs -->
<!ELEMENT retval (info*)>
<!ELEMENT arg (info*)>

<!-- some variable -->      
<!ELEMENT variable (location,access,info*) >
<!ATTLIST variable
    name CDATA ""
<!ELEMENT enum (location,access,enumval*) >
<!ATTLIST enum
    name CDATA ""

<!ELEMENT enumval EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST enumval
    name CDATA ""
    value CDATA ""

<!ELEMENT typespec (location,access,info*) >
<!ATTLIST typespec

<!ATTLIST access
     visibility CDATA ""
     scope CDATA ""

<!ELEMENT inherit (info*)>
<!ATTLIST inherit
    name CDATA ""

<!ELEMENT comment (location,text)>

<!ELEMENT directive (location)>
<!ATTLIST directive
    name CDATA ""
    value CDATA ""
    info CDATA ""
<!ELEMENT text (%text;)>