![]() MAGELANG! |
Lexical Analysis with ANTLRA lexer (often called a scanner) breaks up an input stream of characters into vocabulary symbols for a parser, which applies a grammatical structure to that symbol stream. Because ANTLR employs the same recognition mechanism for lexing, parsing, and tree parsing, ANTLR-generated lexers are much stronger than DFA-based lexers such as those generated by DLG (from PCCTS 1.33) and lex. The increase in lexing power comes at the cost of some inconvenience in lexer specification and indeed requires a serious shift your thoughts about lexical analysis. See a comparison of LL(k) and DFA-based lexical analysis. ANTLR generates predicated-LL(k) lexers, which means that you can have semantic and syntactic predicates and use k>1 lookahead. The other advantages are:
The overall structure of a lexer is: class MyLexer extends Lexer; options { some options } { lexer class members } lexical rules Lexical RulesRules defined within a lexer grammar must have a name beginning with an uppercase letter. These rules implicitly match characters on the input stream instead of tokens on the token stream. Referenced grammar elements include token references (implicit lexer rule references), characters, and strings. Lexer rules are processed in the exact same manner as parser rules and, hence, may specify arguments and return values; further, lexer rules can also have local variables and use recursion. The following rule defines a rule called ID that is available as a token type in the parser. ID : ( 'a'..'z' )+ ; This rule would become part of the resulting lexer and would appear as a method called mID(). Lexer rules allow your parser to match context-free structures on the input character stream as opposed to the much weaker regular structures (using a DFA--deterministic finite automaton). For example, consider that matching nested curly braces with a DFA must be done using a counter whereas nested curlies are trivially matched with a context-free grammar: ACTION : '{' ( ACTION | ~'}' )* '}' ; The recursion, of course, is the dead giveaway that this is not an ordinary lexer rule. Because the same algorithms are used to analyze lexer and parser rules, lexer rules may use more than a single symbol of lookahead, can use semantic predicates, and can specify syntactic predicates to look arbitrarily ahead, thus, providing recognition capabilities beyond the LL(k) languages into the context-sensitive. Here is a simple example that requires k>1 lookahead: ESCAPE_CHAR : '\\' 't' // two char of lookahead needed, | '\\' 'n' // due to common left-prefix ; To illustrate the use of syntactic predicates for lexer rules, consider the problem of distinguishing between floating point numbers and ranges in Pascal. Input 3..4 must be broken up into 3 tokens: INT, RANGE, followed by INT. Input 3.4, on the other hand, must be sent to the parser as a REAL. The trouble is that the series of digits before the first '.' can be arbitrarily long. The scanner then must consume the first '.' to see if the next character is a '.', which would imply that it must back up and consider the first series of digits an integer. Using a non-backtracking lexer makes this task essentially impossible. However, a syntactic predicate can be used to specify what arbitrary lookahead is necessary: class Pascal; prog: INT ( RANGE INT { System.out.println("INT .. INT"); } | EOF { System.out.println("plain old INT"); } ) | REAL { System.out.println("token REAL"); } ; lexclass LexPascal; WS : (' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r') { $setType(Token.SKIP); } ; protected INT : ('0'..'9')+ ; protected REAL: INT '.' INT ; RANGE : ".." ; RANGE_OR_INT : ( INT ".." ) => INT { $setType(INT); } | ( INT '.' ) => REAL { $setType(REAL); } | INT { $setType(INT); } ; ANTLR lexer rules are even able to handle FORTRAN assignments and other difficult lexical constructs. Consider the following DO loop: DO 100 I = 1,10 If the comma were replaced with a period, the loop would become an assignment to a weird variable called "DO100I": DO 100 I = 1.10 The following rules correctly differentiate the two cases: DO_OR_VAR : (DO_HEADER)=> "DO" { $setType(DO); } | VARIABLE { $setType(VARIABLE); } ; protected DO_HEADER options { ignore=WS; } : "DO" INT VARIABLE '=' EXPR ',' ; protected INT : ('0'..'9')+; protected WS : ' '; protected VARIABLE : 'A'..'Z' ('A'..'Z' | ' ' | '0'..'9')* { /* strip space from end */ } ; // just an int or float protected EXPR : INT ( '.' (INT)? )? ; Return valuesAll rules return a token object (conceptually) automatically, which contains the text matched for the rule and its token type at least. To specify a user-defined return value, define a return value and set it in an action: protected INT returns [int v] : (‘0’..’9’)+ { v=Integer.valueOf($getText); } ; Non-protected rules cannot have a return type as the parser cannot access the return value leading to confusion. Skipping charactersTo have the characters matched by a rule ignored, set the token type to Token.SKIP. For example, WS : ( ' ' | '\t' | '\n' { newline(); } | '\r' )+ { $setType(Token.SKIP); } ; Distinguishing between lexer rulesANTLR generates a rule called nextToken which has an alternative containing a lexer rule reference, one alternative for each non-protected lexer rule. The first few characters of the token are used to route the lexer to the appropriate lexical rule. The alternatives of nextToken are analyzed for determinism; i.e., with k characters of lookahead can the lexer determine which lexer rule to attempt. The ANTLR input: INT : ('0'..'9')+; WS : ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n'; produces a switch statement in nextToken: switch (LA(1)) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': mINT(); break; case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': mWS(); break; default: // error } Definition order and lexical ambiguitiesANTLR 2.0 does not follow the common lexer rule of "first definition wins" (the alternatives within a rule, however, still follow this rule). Instead, sufficient power is given to handle the two most common cases of ambiguity, namely "keywords vs. identifiers", and "common prefixes"; and for especially nasty cases you can use syntactic predicates. Keywords and literalsMany languages have a general "identifier" lexical rule, and keywords that are special cases of the identifier pattern. A typical identifier token is defined as: ID : LETTER (LETTER | DIGIT)*; This is often in conflict with keywords. ANTLR 2.0 solves this problem by letting you put fixed keywords into a literals table. The literals table (which is usally implemented as a hash table in the lexer) is checked after each token is matched, so that the literals effectively override the more general identifier pattern. Literals are created in one of two ways. First, any double-quoted string used in a parser is automatically entered into the literals table of the associated lexer. Second, literals may be specified in the lexer grammar by means of the literal option. In addition, the testLiterals option gives you fine-grained control over the generation of literal-testing code. Common prefixesFixed-length common prefixes in lexer rules are best handled by increasing the lookahead depth of the lexer. For example, some operators from Java: class MyLexer extends Lexer; options { k=4; } GT : ">"; GE : ">="; RSHIFT : ">>"; RSHIFT_ASSIGN : ">>="; UNSIGNED_RSHIFT : ">>>"; UNSIGNED_RSHIFT_ASSIGN : ">>>="; Token definition filesToken definitions can be transferred from one grammar to another by way of token definition files. This is accomplished using the importVocab and exportVocab options. Character classesUse the ~ operator to invert a character or set of characters. For example, to match any character other than newline, the following rule references ~'\n'. SL_COMMENT: "//" (~'\n')* '\n'; The ~ operator also inverts a character set: NOT_WS: ~(' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r'); The range operator can be used to create sequential character sets: DIGIT : '0'..'9' ; Token AttributesSee the next section. Lexical lookahead and the end-of-token symbolA unique situation occurs when analyzing lexical grammars, one which is similar to the end-of-file condition when analyzing regular grammars. Consider how you would compute lookahead sets for the ('b' | ) subrule in following rule B: class L extends Lexer; A : B 'b' ; protected // only called from another lex rule B : 'x' ('b' | ) ; The lookahead for the first alternative of the subrule is clearly 'b'. The second alternative is empty and the lookahead set is the set of all characters that can follow references to the subrule, which is the follow set for rule B. In this case, the 'b' character follows the reference to B and is therefore the lookahead set for the empty alt indirectly. Because 'b' begins both alternatives, the parsing decision for the subrule is nondeterminism or ambiguous as we sometimes say. ANTLR will justly generate a warning for this subrule (unless you use the warnWhenFollowAmbig option). Now, consider what would make sense for the lookahead if rule A did not exist and rule B was not protected (it was a complete token rather than a "subtoken"): B : 'x' ('b' | ) ; In this case, the empty alternative finds only the end of the rule as the lookahead with no other rules referencing it. In the worst case, any character could follow this rule (i.e., start the next token or error sequence). So, should not the lookahead for the empty alternative be the entire character vocabulary? And should not this result in a nondeterminism warning as it must conflict with the 'b' alternative? Conceptually, yes to both questions. From a practical standpoint, however, you are clearly saying "heh, match a 'b' on the end of token B if you find one." I argue that no warning should be generated and ANTLR's policy of matching elements as soon as possible makes sense here as well. Another reason not to represent the lookahead as the entire vocabulary is that when we eventually add UNICODE support, a vocabulary of '\u0000'..'\uFFFF' is too large to store (one set is 2^16 / 32 long words of memory!). Any alternative with '<end-of-token>' in its lookahead set will be pushed to the ELSE or DEFAULT clause by the code generator so that huge bitsets can be avoided. The summary is that lookahead purely derived from hitting the end of a lexical rule (unreferenced by other rules) cannot be the cause of a nondeterminism. The following table summarizes a bunch of cases that will help you figure out when ANTLR will complain and when it will not.
You might be wondering why the first subrule below is ambiguous: ('a')? ('a')? The answer is that the NFA to DFA conversion would result in a DFA with the 'a' transitions merged into a single state transition! This is ok for a DFA where you cannot have actions anywhere except after a complete match. Remember that ANTLR lets you do the following: ('a' {do-this})? ('a' {do-that})? One other thing is important to know. Recall that alternatives in lexical rules are reordered according to their lookahead requirements, from highest to lowest. A : 'a' | 'a' 'b' ; At k=2, ANTLR can see 'a' followed by '<end-of-token>' for the first alternative and 'a' followed by 'b' in the second. The lookahead at depth 2 for the first alternative being '<end-of-token>' suppressing a warning that depth two can match any character for the first alternative. To behave naturally and to generate good code when no warning is generated, ANTLR reorders the alternatives so that the code generated is similar to: A() { if ( LA(1)=='a' && LA(2)=='b' ) { // alt 2 match('a'); match('b'); } else if ( LA(1)=='a' ) { // alt 1 match('a') } else {error;} } Note the lack of lookahead test for depth 2 for alternative 1. When an empty alternative is present, ANTLR moves it to the end. For example, A : 'a' | | 'a' 'b' ; results in code like this: A() { if ( LA(1)=='a' && LA(2)=='b' ) { // alt 2 match('a'); match('b'); } else if ( LA(1)=='a' ) { // alt 1 match('a') } else { } } Note that there is no way for a lexing error to occur here (which makes sense because the rule is optional--though this rule only makes sense when protected). Semantic predicates get moved along with their associated alternatives when the alternatives are sorted by lookahead depth. It would be weird if the addition of a {true}? predicate (which implicitly exists for each alternative) changed what the lexer recognized! The following rule is reorder so that alternative 2 is tested for first. B : {true}? 'a' | 'a' 'b' ; Syntactic predicates are not reordered. Mentioning the predicate after the rule it conflicts with results in an ambiguity such as is in this rule: F : 'c' | ('c')=> 'c' ; Other alternatives are, however, reordered with respect to the syntactic predicates even when a switch is generated for the LL(1) components and the syntactic predicates are pushed the default case. The following rule illustrates the point. F : 'b' | {/* empty-path */} | ('c')=> 'c' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' ; Rule F's decision is generated as follows: switch ( la_1) { case 'b': { match('b'); break; } case 'd': { match('d'); break; } case 'e': { match('e'); break; } default: boolean synPredMatched15 = false; if (((la_1=='c'))) { int _m15 = mark(); synPredMatched15 = true; guessing++; try { match('c'); } catch (ScannerException pe) { synPredMatched15 = false; } rewind(_m15); guessing--; } if ( synPredMatched15 ) { match('c'); } else if ((la_1=='c')) { match('c'); } else { if ( guessing==0 ) { /* empty-path */ } } } Notice how the empty path got moved after the test for the 'c' alternative. Scanning Binary Files[Prior to 2.2.3, ANTLR was unable to parse binary files.] Character literals are not limited to printable ASCII characters (though at the moment UNICODE characters above 0xFF do not work). To demonstrate the concept, imagine that you want to parse a binary file that contains strings and short integers. To distinguish between them, marker bytes are used according to the following format:
Sample input (274 followed by "a test") might look like the following in hex (output from UNIX od -h command): 0000000000 00 01 12 01 61 20 74 65 73 74 02 or as viewed as characters: 0000000000 \0 001 022 001 a t e s t 002 The parser is trivially just a (...)+ around the two types of input tokens: class DataParser extends Parser; file: ( sh:SHORT {System.out.println(sh.getText());} | st:STRING {System.out.println("\""+ st.getText()+"\"");} )+ ; All of the interesting stuff happens in the lexer. First, define the class and set the vocabulary to be all 8 bit binary values: class DataLexer extends Lexer; options { charVocabulary = '\u0000'..'\u00FF'; } Then, define the two tokens according to the specifications, with markers around the string and a single marker byte in front of the short: SHORT : // match the marker followed by any two bytes '\0' high:. lo:. { // pack the bytes into a two-byte short int v = (((int)high)<<8) + lo; // make a string out of the value $setText(""+v); } ; STRING : '\1'! // begin string (discard) ( ~'\2' )* '\2'! // end string (discard) ; To invoke the parser, use something like the following: import java.io.*; class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // use DataInputStream to grab bytes DataLexer lexer = new DataLexer( new DataInputStream(System.in) ); DataParser parser = new DataParser(lexer); parser.file(); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("exception: "+e); } } } Manipulating Token Text and ObjectsOnce you have specified what to match in a lexical rule, you may ask "what can I discover about what will be matched for each rule element?" ANTLR allows you to label the various elements and, at parse-time, access the text matched for the element. You can even specify the token object to return from the rule and, hence, from the lexer to the parser. This section describes the text and token object handling characteristics of ANTLR. Manipulating the Text of a Lexical RuleThere are times when you want to look at the text matched for the current rule, alter it, or set the text of a rule to a new string. The most common case is when you want to simply discard the text associated with a few of the elements that are matched for a rule such as quotes. ANTLR provides the '!' operator that lets you indicate certain elements should not contribute to the text for a token being recognized. The '!' operator is used just like when building trees in the parser. For example, if you are matching the HTML tags and you do not want the '<' and '>' characters returned as part of the token text, you could manually remove them from the token's text before they are returned, but a better way is to suffix the unwanted characters with '!'. For example, the <br> tag might be recognized as follows: BR : '<'! "br" '>'! ; // discard < and > Suffixing a lexical rule reference with '!' forces the text matched by the invoked rule to be discarded (it will not appear in the text for the invoking rule). For example, if you do not care about the mantissa of a floating point number, you can suffix the rule that matches it with a '!': FLOAT : INT ('.'! INT!)? ; // keep only first INT As a shorthand notation, you may suffix an alternative or rule with '!' to indicate the alternative or rule should not pass any text back to the invoking rule or parser (if nonprotected): // ! on rule: nothing is auto added to text of rule. rule! : ... ; // ! on alt: nothing is auto added to text for alt rule : ... |! ...;
While the '!' implies that the text is not added to the text for the current rule, you can label an element to access the text (via the token if the element is a rule reference). In terms of implementation, the characters are always added to the current text buffer, but are carved out when necessary (as this will be the exception rather than the rule, making the normal case efficient). The '!' operator is great for discarding certain characters or groups of characters, but what about the case where you want to insert characters or totally reset the text for a rule or token? ANTLR provides a series of special methods to do this (we prefix the methods with '$' because Java does not have a macro facility and ANTLR must recognize the special methods in your actions). The following table summarizes.
One of the great things about an ANTLR generated lexer is that the text of a token can be modified incrementally as the token is recognized (an impossible task for a DFA-based lexer): STRING: '"' ( ESCAPE | ~('"'|'\\') )* '"' ; protected ESCAPE : '\\' ( 'n' { $setText("\n"); } | 'r' { $setText("\r"); } | 't' { $setText("\t"); } | '"' { $setText("\""); } ) ; Token Object CreationBecause lexical rules can call other rules just like in the parser, you sometimes want to know what text was matched for that portion of the token being matched. To support this, ANTLR allows you to label lexical rules and obtain a Token object representing the text, token type, line number, etc... matched for that rule reference. This ability corresponds to be able to access the text matched for a lexical state in a DFA-based lexer. For example, here is a simple rule that prints out the text matched for a rule reference, INT. INDEX : '[' i:INT ']' {System.out.println(i.getText());} ; INT : ('0'..'9')+ ; If you moved the labeled reference and action to a parser, it would the same thing (match an integer and print it out). All lexical rules conceptually return a Token object, but in practice this would be inefficient. ANTLR generates methods so that a token object is created only if any invoking reference is labeled (indicating they want the token object). Imagine another rule that calls INT without a label. FLOAT : INT ('.' INT)? ; In this case, no token object is created for either reference to INT. You will notice a boolean argument to every lexical rule that tells it whether or not a token object should be created and returned (via a member variable). All nonprotected rules (those that are "exposed" to the parser) must always generate tokens, which are passed back to the parser. Heterogeneous Token Object StreamsWhile token creation is normally handled automatically, you can also manually specify the token object to be returned from a lexical rule. The advantage is that you can pass heterogeneous token objects back to the parser, which is extremely useful for parsing languagues with complicated tokens such as HTML (the <img> and <table> tokens, for example, can have lots of attributes). Here is a rule for the <img> tag that returns a token object of type ImageToken: IMAGE { Attributes attrs; } : "<img " attrs=ATTRIBUTES '>' { ImageToken t = new ImageToken(IMAGE,$getText); t.setAttributes(attrs); $setToken(t); } ; ATTRIBUTES returns [Attributes a] : ... ; The $setToken function specifies that its argument is to be returned when the rule exits. The parser will receive this specific object instead of a CommonToken or whatever else you may have specified with the Lexer.setTokenObjectClass method. The action in rule IMAGE references a token type, IMAGE, and a lexical rule references, ATTRIBUTES, which matches all of the attributes of an image tag and returns them in a data structure called Attributes. What would it mean for rule IMAGE to be protected (i.e., referenced only from other lexical rules rather than from nextToken)? Any invoking labeled rule reference would receive the object (not the parser) and could examine it, or manipulate it, or pass it on to the invoker of that rule. For example, if IMAGE were called from TAGS rather than being nonprotected, rule TAGS would have to pass the token object back to the parser for it. TAGS : IMG:IMAGE {$setToken(img);} // pass to parser | PARAGRAPH // probably has no special token | ... ; Setting the token object for a nonprotected rule invoked without a label has no effect other than to waste time creating an object that will not be used. We use a CharScanner member _returnToken to do the return in order to not conflict with return values used by the grammar developer. For example, PTAG: "<p>" {$setToken(new ParagraphToken($$));} ; which would be translated to something like: protected final void mPTAG() throws ScannerException { Token _token = null; match("<p>"); _returnToken = new ParagraphToken(text-of-current-rule); } Filtering Input StreamsYou often want to perform an action upon seeing a pattern or two in a complicated input stream, such as pulling out links in an HTML file. One solution is to take the HTML grammar and just put actions where you want. Using a complete grammar is overkill and you may not have a complete grammar to start with. ANTLR provides a mechanism similar to AWK that lets you say "here are the patterns I'm interested in--ignore everything else." Naturally, AWK is limited to regular expressions whereas ANTLR accepts context-free grammars (Uber-AWK?). For example, consider pulling out the <p> and <br> tags from an arbitrary HTML file. Using the filter option, this is easy: class T extends Lexer; options { k=2; filter=true; } P : "<p>" ; BR: "<br>" ; In this "mode", there is no possibility of a syntax error. Either the pattern is matched exactly or it is filtered out. This works very well for many cases, but is not sophisticated enough to handle the situation where you want "almost matches" to be reported as errors. Consider the addition of the <table...> tag to the previous grammar: class T extends Lexer; options { k=2; filter = true; } P : "<p>" ; BR: "<br>" ; TABLE : "<table" (WS)? (ATTRIBUTE)* (WS)? '>' ; WS : ' ' | '\t' | '\n' ; ATTRIBUTE : ... ; Now, consider input "<table 8 = width ;>" (a bogus table definition). As is, the lexer would simply scarf past this input without "noticing" the invalid table. What if you want to indicate that a bad table definition was found as opposed to ignoring it? Call method setCommitToPath(boolean commit) in your TABLE rule to indicate that you want the lexer to commit to recognizing the table tag: TABLE : "<table" (WS)? {setCommitToPath(true);} (ATTRIBUTE)* (WS)? '>' ; Input "<table 8 = width ;>" would result in a syntax error. Note the placement after the whitespace recognition; you do not want <tabletop> reported as a bad table (you want to ignore it). One further complication in filtering: What if the "skip language" (the stuff in between valid tokens or tokens of interest) cannot be correctly handled by simply consuming a character and trying again for a valid token? You may want to ignore comments or strings or whatever. In that case, you can specify a rule that scarfs anything between tokens of interest by using option filter=RULE. For example, the grammar below filters for <p> and <br> tags as before, but also prints out any other tag (<...>) encountered. class T extends Lexer; options { k=2; filter=IGNORE; charVocabulary = '\3'..'\177'; } P : "<p>" ; BR: "<br>" ; protected IGNORE : '<' (~'>')* '>' {System.out.println("bad tag:"+$getText);} | ( "\r\n" | '\r' | '\n' ) {newline();} | . ; Notice that the filter rule must track newlines in the general case where the lexer might emit error messages so that the line number is not stuck at 0. The filter rule is invoked either when the lookahead (in nextToken) predicts none of the nonprotected lexical rules or when one of those rules fails. In the latter case, the input is rolled back before attempting the filter rule. Option filter=true is like having a filter rule such as: IGNORE : . ; Actions in regular lexical rules are executed even if the rule fails and the filter rule is called. To do otherwise would require every valid token to be matched twice (once to match and once to do the actions like a syntactic predicate)! Plus, there are few actions in lexer rules (usually they are at the end at which point an error cannot occur). Is the filter rule called when commit-to-path is true and an error is found in a lexer rule? No, an error is reported as with filter=true. What happens if there is a syntax error in the filter rule? Well, you can either put an exception handler on the filter rule or accept the default behavior, which is to consume a character and begin looking for another valid token. In summary, the filter option allows you to:
ANTLR Masquerading as SEDTo make ANTLR generate lexers that behave like the UNIX utility sed (copy standard in to standard out except as specified by the replace patterns), use a filter rule that does the input to output copying: class T extends Lexer; options { k=2; filter=IGNORE; charVocabulary = '\3'..'\177'; } P : "<p>" {System.out.print("<P>");}; BR : "<br>" {System.out.print("<BR>");}; protected IGNORE : ( "\r\n" | '\r' | '\n' ) {newline(); System.out.println("");} | c:. {System.out.print(c);} ; This example dumps anything other than <p> and <br> tags to standard out and pushes lowercase <p> and <br> to uppercase. Works great. Lexical StatesANTLR has the ability to switch between multiple lexers using a token stream multiplexor. Please see the discussion in streams. Case sensitivityYou may use option caseSensitive=false in the lexer to indicate that you do not want case to be significant when matching characters against the input stream. For example, you want element 'd' to match either upper or lowercase D, however, you do not want to change the case of the input stream. We have implemented this feature by having the lexer's LA() lookahead method return lowercase versions of the characters. Method consume() still adds the original characters to the string buffer associated with a token. We make the following notes:
Case sensitivity for literals is handled separately. That is, set lexer option caseSensitiveLiterals to false when you want the literals testing to be case-insensitive. Implementing this required changes to the literals table. Instead of adding a String, it adds an ANTLRHashString that implements a case-insensitive or case-sensitive hashing as desired. Note: ANTLR checks the characters of a lexer string to make sure they are lowercase, but does not process escapes correctly--put that one on the "to do" list. Ignoring whitespace in the lexerOne of the great things about ANTLR is that it generates full predicated-LL(k) lexers rather than the weaker (albeit sometimes easier-to-specify) DFA-based lexers of DLG. With such power, you are tempted (and encouraged) to do real parsing in the lexer. A great example of this is HTML parsing, which begs for a two-level parse: the lexer parsers all the attributes and so on within a tag, but the parser does overall document structure and ordering of the tags etc... The problem with parsing within a lexer is that you encounter the usual "ignore whitespace" issue as you do with regular parsing. For example, consider matching the <table> tag of HTML, which has many attributes that can be specified within the tag. A first attempt might yield: OTABLE : "<table" (ATTR)* '>' ; Unfortunately, input "<table border=1>" does not parse because of the blank character after the table identifier. The solution is not to simply have the lexer ignore whitespace as it is read in because the lookahead computations must see the whitespace characters that will be found in the input stream. Further, defining whitespace as a rudimentary set of things to ignore does not handle all cases, particularly difficult ones, such as comments inside tags like <table <!--wow...a comment--> border=1> The correct solution is to specify a rule that is called after each lexical element (character, string literal, or lexical rule reference). We provide the lexer rule option ignore to let you specify the rule to use as whitespace. The solution to our HTML whitespace problem is therefore: TABLE options { ignore=WS; } : "<table" (ATTR)* '>' ; // can be protected or non-protected rule WS : ' ' | '\n' | COMMENT | ... ; We think this is cool and we hope it encourages you to do more and more interesting things in the lexer! Oh, almost forgot. There is a bug in that an extra whitespace reference is inserted after the end of a lexer alternative if the last element is an action. The effect is to include any whitespace following that token in that token's text. Tracking Line InformationEach lexer object has a line member that can be incremented by calling newline() or by simply changing its value (e.g., when processing #line directives in C). SL_COMMENT : "//" (~'\n')* '\n' {newline();} ; Do not forget to split out ‘\n’ recognition when using the not operator to read until a stopping character such as: BLOCK: '(' ( '\n' { newline(); } | ~( ‘\n’ | ‘)’ ) )* ')’ ; Another way to track line information is to override the consume() method: Tracking Column InformationTo track column information, you must currently do a bit of work. First, track column in lexer by adding members to save the column number and override consume() to set the column number that a token starts in: class L extends Lexer; { protected int tokColumn = 1; protected int column = 1; public void consume() { if ( inputState.guessing>0 ) { if (text.length()==0) { // remember token start column tokColumn = column; } if (LA(1)==`\n') { column = 1; } else { column++; } } super.consume(); } } Second, override makeToken() to set the token column start value for the created tokens: class L extends Lexer; { ... protected Token makeToken(int t) { Token tok = super.makeToken(t); tok.setColumn(tokColumn); return tok; } } Third, define a new Token object with column information: public class MyToken extends antlr.CommonToken { protected int column; public int getColumn() { return column; } public void setColumn(int c) { column=c; } } Finally, tell the lexer to create your new token objects: L lexer = new L(System.in); lexer.setTokenObjectClass("MyToken"); Naturally, you can set the column member in your lexical rules. Using Explicit LookaheadOn rare occasions, you may find it useful to explicitly test the lexer lookahead in say a semantic predicate to help direct the parse. For example, /*...*/ comments have a two character stopping symbol. The following example demonstrates how to use the second symbol of lookahead to distinguish between a single '/' and a "*/": ML_COMMENT : "/*" ( { LA(2)!='/' }? '*' | '\n' { newline(); } | ~('*'|'\n') )* "*/" ; The same effect might be possible via a syntactic predicate, but would be much slower than a semantic predicate. A DFA-based lexer handles this with no problem because they use a bunch of (what amount to) gotos whereas we're stuck with structured elements like while-loops. A Surprising Use of A Lexer: ParsingThe following set of rules match arithmetical expressions in a lexer not a parser (whitespace between elements is not allowed in this example but can easily be handled by specifying rule option ignore for each rule): EXPR { int val; } : val=ADDEXPR { System.out.println(val); } ; protected ADDEXPR returns [int val] { int tmp; } : val=MULTEXPR ( '+' tmp=MULTEXPR { val += tmp; } | '-' tmp=MULTEXPR { val -= tmp; } )* ; protected MULTEXPR returns [int val] { int tmp; } : val=ATOM ( '*' tmp=ATOM { val *= tmp; } | '/' tmp=ATOM { val /= tmp; } )* ; protected ATOM returns [int val] : val=INT | '(' val=ADDEXPR ')' ; protected INT returns [int val] : ('0'..'9')+ {val=Integer.valueOf($getText);} ; But...We've Always Used Automata For Lexical Analysis!Lexical analyzers were all built by hand in the early days of compilers until DFAs took over as the scanner implementation of choice. DFAs have several advantages over hand-built scanners:
Conversely, hand-built scanners have the following advantages over DFA implementations:
So, what approach does ANTLR 2.xx take? Neither! ANTLR 2.xx allows you to specify lexical items with expressions, but generates a lexer for you that mimics what you would generate by hand. The only drawback is that you still have to do the left-factoring for some token definitions (but at least it is done with expressions and not code). This hybrid approach allows you to build lexers that are much stronger and faster than DFA-based lexers while avoiding much of the overhead of writing the lexer yourself. In summary, specifying regular expressions is simpler and shorter than writing a hand-built lexer, but hand-built lexers are faster, stronger, able to handle unicode, and easy to debug. This analysis has led many programmers to write hand-built lexers even when DFA-generation tools such as lex and dlg are commonly-available. ANTLR 1.xx made a parallel argument concerning PDA-based LR parsers and recursive-descent LL-based parsers. As a final justification, we note that writing lexers is trivial compared to building parsers; also, once you build a lexer you will reuse it with small modifications in the future. |