C++ Front-End Status
Maintained by Karl Trygve Kalleberg
Current status
The front-end seems to parse the C and C++ standard libraries fairly ok. Numerous nuances in the C++
language are probably missed now. If you have anything to add, please update or add a new case in
the src/cplusplus/occ/test/ directory
h4>The following features have been tested and is believed to be working
- Parsing of class-, struct-, union-, namespace-, function-, constructor- and
- Generation of semi-proper IDs for all parsed constructs.
- Dumping of syntactically and semantically correct .xml files
Issues still battled with
- IDs don't have the proper location information. Neither do they have all the type info they should have
- Location info only have start-position of the construct. Should add end-construct as well.
- No memory is reclaimed. It easily eats 100MB to parse the standard C library.
- To parse through the standard libraries, you must pass the -D__restrict= option to cxx2csf for now.